Prophet uebert Angel


Founder and Senior Lecturer

His Excellency Ambassador Uebert Angel, also knows as Prophet Uebert Angel is the founder of Osborn Institute Of Theology (OTI) and also the senior lecturer. He is the Prophet to this last dispensation, who is also the GodFather of the modern day Prophetic Movement.

As the founder of the Osborn Institute Of Theology, Prophet Uebert Angel guided the Institution through its creation and accreditation all the way to the launch.

He made OTI an online Theology school for students of all economic backgrounds and advocated for its courses to be available and accessible to a global audience. In so doing, Prophet Uebert Angel then broadened the Institute’s international reach, raised the profile of the accredited courses, embraced sustainability, launched an online learning partnership, and promoted collaboration across academic disciplines and administrative units.

The Highly Esteemed Ambassador, Prophet Uebert Angel who is a Citizen of the United Kingdom and a resident thereof, went to Salford University in Greater Manchester where he received two degrees in Finance and achieved Student Of The Year awards on campus.

He is the author of best selling books such as Prayer Banks, Supernatural Power Of The Believer, The Money Is Coming, Praying For The Impossible, How To Hear The Voice Of God, Spiritual Warfare, The Greatest Secret God Told Me About Money, How To Defeat The Demon Of Poverty, The Effective Soul Winner, God’s Medicine – to name a few.

Prophet Uebert Angel, the President and Commander-In-Chief of the GoodNewsWorld – which currently has over 2.8 million registered citizens across the globe – is also Zimbabwe’s Presidential Envoy and Ambassador Plenipotentiary to Europe and the Americas who has close relationships with many heads of state and world leaders.